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Now in its 12th year, Morris Animal Foundation’s Golden Retriever Lifetime Study collects biological samples and health, environmental, nutritional, genetic and behavior data from 3,000+ golden retrievers throughout their lifetimes. Study data and samples are shared with the research community to help identify risk factors for cancer and other health challenges in dogs. GOLDEN RETRIEVER LIFETIME STUDY REPORT Hemangiosarcoma Initiative The Foundation launched its multiyear, multimillion-dollar Hemangiosarcoma Initiative to support studies focused on early diagnosis, new therapeutic approaches and genetic risk of disease, with use of Study samples and data encouraged. 500 Diagnoses and Beyond This year a significant milestone was reached: 500 cumulative diagnoses of the four major cancers of interest – hemangiosarcoma, lymphoma, high-grade mast cell tumor and osteosarcoma. The Study team will continue to follow all dogs through their lifetime, collecting valuable data that may hold the key to understanding health challenges in senior dogs. Data Commons Upgrade A recent update of the Morris Animal Foundation Data Commons, our growing data repository for researchers, improves the user experience and adds new data from the Study in eleven key subject areas including disease diagnosis, clinical lab results, behavior, environment and more. GOLDEN RETRIEVER LIFETIME STUDY 2023 Publications Environmental Exposures and Lymphoma Risk: A Nested Case–Control Study Using the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study Cohort (Canine Medicine and Genetics, July 2022) Hemangiosarcoma in the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study Cohort: Morris Animal Foundation’s Grand Challenge (Veterinary Cancer Society Meeting, October 2022) Descriptive Analysis of Hemangiosarcoma Occurrence in Dogs Enrolled in the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study (Veterinary and Comparative Oncology, 2023) Nested Studies New studies using data and/or samples from the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study University of Guelph researchers in Canada are working toward an early cancer screening test for lymphoma in dogs. (D23CLP-103) North Carolina State University researchers are studying factors associated with otitis externa, a common ear infection in dogs, as well as treatment prescribing practices. (D23CLP-203) Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine researchers in St. Kitts are studying if diet and exercise influences canine cancer risk. (D23CLP-204) Royal Veterinary College researchers in the UK are studying the frequency of, and risk factors for, cancer in golden retrievers. (D23CLP-550) WHAT’S NEWContact us at, 800.243.2345 or 720 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 174A, Denver, CO 80246. ABOUT MORRIS ANIMAL FOUNDATION Morris Animal Foundation’s mission is to bridge science and resources to advance the health of animals. Founded by a veterinarian in 1948, we fund and conduct critical health studies for the benefit of all animals. Learn more at © 2023 Morris Animal Foundation As of July 1, 2023 496 NECROPSIES COLLECTED with cancer tissue samples LYMPHOMA (112 deaths) 161 75 % of Study dog deaths are CANCER-RELATED 10.4 YEARS AVERAGE AGE of Study participants STUDY OUTCOMES HIGH-GRADE MAST CELL TUMORS (11 deaths) 31 HEMANGIOSARCOMA (308 deaths) 327 OSTEOSARCOMA (13 deaths) 19 TOTAL DEATHS FROM CANCER & OTHER CAUSES 894 PRIMARY CANCER DIAGNOSES GOLD SPONSORS Golden Retriever Foundation Hadley & Marion Stuart Foundation Zoetis FOUNDING PARTNER The Mark & Bette Morris Family Foundation PLATINUM PARTNERSGOLDEN CHAMPIONS Mars Veterinary FUNDING SINCE 2012: $32 MILLION projected cost $29 MILLION raised $3 MILLION additional funds needed DID YOU KNOW? Besides the four major cancer endpoints of the Study – hemangiosarcoma, high-grade mast cell tumors, lymphoma and osteosarcoma – we track all cancer diagnoses, including histiocytic sarcomas, soft tissue sarcomas, brain tumors, and cutaneous and subcutaneous mast cell tumors. THANK YOU TO OUR DEDICATED OWNERS & VETERINARIANS The Study would not be possible without the passionate dedication of our participant owners and their veterinarians. And, of course, our amazing 3,000+ golden retriever heroes. THANK YOU TO OUR PARTNERS The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is the first Morris Animal Foundation study designed, funded and run by the Foundation. Thank you to our partners who help make the Study possible.Next >